Data quality
Is data quality in your organization low? Increase data quality and lay the foundation for a data-driven organization. An organization where decisions are made based on data. Good data. We help you do that.
Improve data quality
Is the data in your organization of low quality? Low data quality often occurs when data comes from different sources, is delivered in different formats or is entered manually by people.
Data-driven work starts with data quality
Data-driven work starts with increasing data quality. Only when your data quality is in order can you start thinking about creating dashboards and other data solutions. Therefore, increasing data quality is always our first concern.
Increase the quality of your data
No more worrying about your data quality.
We set data quality rules and monitor them in a data quality dashboard. This allows you to see at a glance how good the data quality is and how it was in the past. So you never have to worry about data quality in your organization again.
- We set data validation rules for accuracy, completeness, consistency and timeliness.
- Monitor de kwaliteit van gegevens in een overzichtelijk datakwaliteitsdashboard.
- Receive instant notification if there is a data quality issue.
Peter Ledeboer – Power BI specialist
✔ choose your own day and time ✔ free and without obligation
Data validation and continuous quality control
We make sure your data quality is maintained. We continuously validate and monitor your data quality in a data quality dashboard. This ensures that you and your colleagues make decisions based on high-quality data. In a data quality dashboard you will find all data that deviates from the predefined requirements.
In the dashboard, you monitor data on such things as:
- Accuracy: how accurate is the data and how does it compare to expectations?
- Completeness: How much data is missing and what is the impact on data quality?
- Consistency: Is the data consistent with internal and external standards and guidelines?
- Timeliness: Is the data up-to-date and updated regularly?
Datakwaliteitsdashboard bij Rituals
Datakwaliteit wordt permanent gemonitord bij Rituals
Rituals zet alles op alles om bedrijfsprestaties te verbeteren door scherper te sturen. Met hulp van Inergy is er een robuust datakwaliteitsdashboard gebouwd.
Joop Fiers, Head of HR Digital & Analytics bij Rituals:
“Ik hoor vanuit onze organisatie altijd positieve geluiden over de samenwerking met Inergy. Daarom vroeg ik ze logischerwijs ook bij dit project te helpen. Ze komen afspraken na en zetten niet achteloos even een dashboard in elkaar. Collega’s discussiëren nu, in positieve zin, over onze data.”
Establish fixed business rules
Together we determine the business rules for the data in your organization and ensure that all your data complies with these rules. Does something go wrong unexpectedly? Then we will be notified immediately and go to work for you.
Avoid discussing numbers
Avoid discussing figures such as sales and margin. Thanks to high data quality, you ensure one version of the truth. So you never have to find out and explain differences in the data again.
Snel & efficiënt naar inzicht in datakwaliteit
Goede datakwaliteit is cruciaal voor een datagedreven organisatie. Maar hoe ontdek je het huidige niveau van de datakwaliteit? En hoe los je issues pragmatisch op? Dit doe je dankzij de Data Quality Quick Scan. Lees er alles over in het whitepaper.
Your data quality partner.
Whatever data challenge you have, we'll help.
We hebben ruim 25 jaar ervaring op gebied van het bouwen en onderhouden van datawarehouses en interactieve dashboards. Het verbeteren van datakwaliteit is daarbij altijd onze eerste prioriteit. In 2022 én 2023 zijn we door MT/Sprout uitgeroepen tot één van de best companies in the areas of data and Artificial Intelligence.
- Ruim 25 jaar ervaring met verbeteren van datakwaliteit.
- Your partner in data analytics. Completely in the cloud.
- In 2022 én 2023 zijn we door MT/Sprout uitgeroepen tot één van de best companies in the areas of data and Artificial Intelligence.
- ISO 27001 and ISAE 3402 certified.
Peter Ledeboer – Specialist data analytics
✔ choose your own day and time ✔ free and without obligation
Getting started on improving data quality
Want more information about improving data quality in your organization? Our data specialist Peter will contact you within one business day for a free, no-obligation introductory meeting.
Don't feel like waiting? Schedule an appointment at a time and day that suits you best. Nice and easy.