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Planning and Control cycle

The planning & control cycle ensures that you, as a municipality, get a grip on your policy documents. With the P&C modules from LIAS you make sure that setting goals, analyzing results and making reports of, for example, the annual accounts, is a lot easier.

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Alle 342 gemeenten in Nederland maken gebruik van LIAS software en oplossingen. Onder andere:

Planning & Control with LIAS

Inergy offers LIAS planning and control software for local governments. There are several LIAS modules. All of them ensure that setting goals, analyzing results and making reports of, for example, the annual accounts, is a lot easier. Word documents and Excel sheets are a thing of the past. By digitizing the planning and control cycle you work more efficiently and you make it transparent for everyone - from policy staff to council members and citizens.

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Budget software

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Get insight into your current investment plan, project progress, credit depletion and asset status with one integrated module.

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Set measurable goals, determine who is responsible, and receive regular interim results.

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All about the planning & control cycle

As a municipality you work with a planning and control cycle. The planning and control cycle is an annual process in which the organization looks ahead and makes plans for the coming year, monitors the progress of the current year and makes adjustments where necessary. At the end of the cycle, accountability is given for the results achieved. The planning and control cycle gives the municipality a grip on the policy and operations of your organization. This gives you a good insight into the goals of your organization, the progress in achieving these goals and what - financial - resources are needed. 

Inergy offers LIAS planning and control software for local governments. There are several modules of LIAS. All of them ensure that setting goals, analyzing results and making reports of, for example, the annual accounts, is a lot easier. Word documents and Excel sheets are a thing of the past. Digitizing the planning & control cycle makes the work a lot more efficient and provides insight for everyone - from policy staff and corporate groups to council members and citizens. 

What is the planning and control cycle?

The planning and control cycle is an annual cycle in which the municipality looks ahead to the coming years (planning) and looks back on the past year (control). The law requires municipalities to draw up budgets and annual accounts. In the budget you set out what you are going to do in the coming year with the financial resources that have been made available. In addition, you provide a financial outlook for the following years. Most municipalities also prepare an interim report in the spring and autumn to see how they are doing. Sometimes budget adjustments or changes in policy are then made.  

The planning & control cycle consists of fixed components, such as a budget and annual accounts. But also a coalition agreement, a framework memorandum and interim reports are part of it. 

Why a P&C cycle?

Municipalities are subject to the dual system in which the municipal council sets the framework and exercises control. The municipal executive carries out the established policy and has an administrative and management task.  

The P&C cycle is an important tool for making the right choices at the policy level, for making decisions about goals and related budgets and adjusting them in time if necessary, and for accounting for the implementation of that policy. The planning and control cycle gives the municipality a grip on the organization and the processes. 

With our LIAS planning and control software we make this process as easy as possible for municipalities. All the work goes digitally and is transparent to everyone. Citizens do not have to worry that their municipality is not spending money in the right way. 

What does the planning and control cycle look like?

The planning and control cycle does not run concurrently with the calendar year. The beginning of this cycle is in April. Municipalities then concern themselves with drafting the framework memorandum. This outlines the plans and financial frameworks for the coming calendar year as described in the coalition agreements.
The contents of the framework memorandum are used as a starting point for drawing up the program budget. A municipality starts with these approximately from May onwards and adopts them around the end of September/beginning of October.
In the intervening months the municipality also draws up the Spring Memorandum and the Autumn Memorandum. In short, these notes examine the extent to which the municipality is on course to achieve the goals set out in the current year's programme budget. Both notes fall under the control section of the planning and control cycle.  

The final piece of the p&c cycle is the financial statements. It is the accountability in relation to the budget. The annual accounts state exactly to what extent the intended goals have been achieved and how much money was spent in the past year. In short, they draw up the final balance sheet.
Municipalities begin preparing the annual accounts in December. Around February/March these annual accounts are finalized. 

Reference municipality of Nijmegen

"Why we chose LIAS?"

"The software is ready-made and just works well. Moreover, many customers are already using it to their satisfaction. So we chose technology that has proven itself in practice. What we find positive is the dedication, expertise and professional knowledge of the people at LIAS. They understand how municipalities work."

Albert Foekens - Strategic advisor at Nijmegen municipality

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What are the bottlenecks of the P&C cycle?

Throughout the year, as a municipality, you are working with different parts of the planning and control cycle. So you are working at the same time on multiple policy documents for different years. In a Word or Excel file, you miss the central overview. As a municipality, you run the risk that everyone looks at their own version. The LIAS P&C software ensures that your policy and figures are always up to date and everyone is looking at the same version of the truth. How nice. 

What LIAS modules do you use in the planning and control cycle? 

Our planning and control software consists of several modules.  

Voor de kadernota gebruik je als gemeente LIAS Publisher. Voor de programmabegroting gebruik je LIAS Publisher, LIAS digitaal behandelen, LIAS Financieel Management, LIAS MIP Activa (voor het opstellen van het meerjaren investeringsplan) en LIAS Prestatiemanagement. Je gebruikt LIAS Prestatiemanagement voor het vastleggen van de beleidsdoelen en doorvertaling naar doelen op organisatieniveau.  

Bij de voorjaars- en najaarsnota maak je gebruik van LIAS Publisher, LIAS Prestatiemanagement (voor het monitoren en het rapporteren over de beleidsdoelen) en LIAS Financieel Management (voor het maken van prognoses of eindejaarsverwachtingen. Op basis van de prognose en de voortgang van de beleidsdoelen wordt de begroting eventueel bijgesteld). 

Voor de jaarrekening gebruik je LIAS Publisher, LIAS Financieel Management (voor verschillen analyse tussen de begroting en realisatie), LIAS Mip Activa (voor een toelichting op de balans), LIAS Prestatiemanagement en Digitaal behandelen (voor de behandeling van de jaarrekening). 

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