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Horizontal Supervision

Monitoring VAT, LH/WKR and VPB is an indispensable part of controlling taxation and complying with the requirements of Horizontal Supervision Tax Administration.

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In control with Horizontal Monitoring

LIAS Horizontal Supervision is the toolbox that allows you to audit the financial administration of your municipality to determine whether the municipality is fiscally in control. Monitoring VAT, LH/WKR and VPB is an indispensable part of being in control of taxation and meeting the requirements of Horizontal Supervision Tax Administration.

What is LIAS Horizontal Supervision?

LIAS Horizontal Supervision is the toolbox that allows you to audit your municipality's financial administration to determine whether the municipality is in control of its fiscal affairs. Monitoring VAT, LH/WKR and VPB is an indispensable part of controlling the tax situation and meeting the requirements of Horizontal Supervision of the tax authorities. You can quickly create reports and perform checks yourself, at a time and location of your choice. This application allows you to substantially reduce the need for supplementary VAT returns.

LIAS Horizontal Supervision is accessible on the data analysis platform and works with data from Key2Finances, CODA, Civision Resources and Decade Financials.

What fiscal LIAS modules are there?

What are the benefits of LIAS Horizontal Supervision?

  • LIAS Horizontal Supervision helps tremendously in improving the tax processes VAT, LH/WKR and VPB.
  • LIAS Horizontal Supervision gives substance to the monitoring function; an extremely important part of the tax control framework.
  • You only need to provide data, all the difficult tax calculations and data manipulations are done by LIAS Horizontal Supervision for you.
  • LIAS Horizontal Supervision provides the ability to draw (CAB-compliant) money samples.
  • With Fiscal Data Management from LIAS, you maintain all your tax master data in one place in the cloud.
  • The results of LIAS Horizontal Supervision are presented in Excel so you can immediately pick up the results further.
  • We ensure that the quality of the LIAS Horizontal Supervision analysis tools is optimal, so you don't have to worry about it.
  • You can use the LIAS Horizontal Supervision analysis tools independent of time and place; no software installation is required.


What is LIAS VAT?

LIAS VAT provides you with various reports and controls. Reports include an export of all general ledger mutations in a certain period, an automatic calculation of the blending percentage, an overview of VAT supplementation, of the change in the percentage of mixed costs and VAT overviews per general ledger number, cost type, creditor.

Financial administration

In addition to reports, LIAS VAT has controls in place that look at the proper setup of the financial records. An example of this is checking whether debit and credit are equal. Another example is the check that provides insight into where the VAT entry in the administration deviates from the prepared 'VAT translation table'. When the latter occurs, this is reported with details of the deviations. The checks may lead to corrections during the return period you are checking. By periodically using LIAS VAT you will get a good picture of your municipality's VAT administration and can ensure that the number of incorrect entries is kept to a minimum, making VAT supplementation and filing a thing of the past.

Sampling module

Although the aforementioned analyses can identify many deficiencies, it can also happen that, for example, invoices are included in the administration incorrectly. In order to get a handle on this as well, LIAS VAT offers a random sample module. With this sample, random euros are drawn from the administration to be checked. The result of this examination is representative for the entire administration.
A major advantage of LIAS BTW is that the populations on which that sample is drawn are built into the software. Populations that are recognized are 'VAT remittance', 'VAT input tax', 'compensable-VAT' and 'cost-increasing-VAT'. The methodology used by LIAS VAT in drawing a sample is in line with the Control Approach of the Tax Administration. The Tax Authorities attach great value to this control measure as part of a taxpayer's TCF.


What is LIAS VPB?

LIAS VPB provides you with various reports and controls. These form the basis for determining the corporate tax position in the financial statements and the corporate tax return. The reports include an overview of the VPB clusters used, the VPB-relevant activities per creditor and detailed information about VPB and non-VPB clusters.

On the basis of this detailed information, all activities relevant for corporation tax can be clustered and assessed for VPB liability, if necessary. Because the module uses a dump of the complete financial administration, not previously occurring income from activities is also identified, so that these can also be assessed for their VPB merits. In this way, an annual monitoring of the VPB position of the municipality takes place.

In addition to reports, LIAS VPB also has audits that look at the correct set-up of your financial administration. An example is the check that provides insight into whether all entries in the administration occur in the 'translation table-VPB'. If the latter occurs, this is reported separately with details of the deviations. LIAS VPB also offers a sample module.

LIAS Mixing Rate Budget

What is LIAS Mixing Rate Budgeting?

The budget is the document that brings together municipal expenditures (expenses) and revenues (income) and is therefore, as it were, the "offer" from the College to the City Council for carrying out the activities in the coming year. The municipal council has the power to make financial resources available. This is called "budget authority." By adopting the budget, the council authorizes the college to spend money on the agreed activities. The budget is therefore important for every council member.

Why do I need it?

It is important to look at the budget with a fiscal lens. An important fiscal element in the budget is the VAT mixing percentage that will apply in the coming fiscal year. Among other things, changes in laws and regulations can lead to an adjustment of the VAT mixing percentage. Recent examples are the change in the sports exemption or the ruling on cemeteries. In order to calculate the new blending percentage quickly and efficiently, module 'LIAS Blending Percentage Budget' has been developed.

How it works.

This module requires two documents namely the budget and a VAT translation table. We provide Excel templates for both documents. Then you upload these documents to LIAS and perform the calculation of the new mixing percentage. Finally, you can download the calculation of the blending percentage - including detailed justification - with one mouse click.


What is LIAS LH/WKR?

LIAS LH/WKR helps with the periodic search for work expenses (WKR) and payroll tax (LH) related keywords in the financial administration. LIAS LH/WKR looks at the descriptions of the entries. In this way you get a good picture of the WKR-related expenses that are run through the financial administration.

A greater or lesser degree of 'fuzziness' can be chosen. In fuzzy search the exact spelling is less relevant. For example, the word "geschnk" in fuzzy search is simply recognized as "gift". The fuzzy search engine works with a "whitelist" and a "blacklist. The whitelist contains the words that are searched for, which are now more than 600 relevant words. The blacklist excludes words in the search result. This mechanism can be used to suppress 'false positives'. For example, the word "wine" may be a legitimate positive, but the word "Vineyard Street" would produce a false positive because it is a street name.

The white- and blacklist can be maintained and adjusted by the municipality itself online, within LIAS. Furthermore, the working expenses scheme label list (free space, nil valuation, etc.) used by the municipality can be read in so that it is automatically linked to the dump.

Perform periodically

If you run LIAS LH/WKR periodically, you will get a good picture of the expenses that are important for the working cost scheme in your financial administration. Incorrectly booked expenses can then be corrected in advance. Just as with LIAS VAT, LIAS LH/WKR also offers a sampling module for internal control purposes.

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