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Everything for digitally collecting, calculating and analyzing the Municipal Fund


The municipal fund is a government payment of ± €31 billion to the 355 Dutch municipalities according to a complicated distribution system. 

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Alle 342 gemeenten in Nederland maken gebruik van LIAS software en oplossingen. Onder andere:

Market leader since 2001

Why more than 95% of
Dutch municipalities use LIAS PAUW

Always up-to-date thanks to mutations

Always up-to-date thanks to mutations

On average three times a year a circular appears from the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations about the changes in the municipal fund. With these circulars municipalities can determine the amount of the municipal fund, also in a multi-year perspective. The backgrounds of deviations from previous circulars and years are included.

Tailor-made analysis

Tailor-made analysis

Link a file with your own basic data (numbers of inhabitants, residential areas, social security recipients, pupils and so on) to the standard weights (amount per unit), analyses and benefit factors that have been entered by the administrators of PAUW. After that one can calculate (also in a multi-year perspective) and analyze.

To be used by everyone

To be used by everyone

With PAUW you are no longer dependent for the interpretation of a municipal fund circular on one employee with specific knowledge about this extensive subject. Also a colleague with less knowledge can make a good advice to the board and the municipal executive.

Share information faster

Share information faster

Organization and administrators can be informed about the financial effects faster because circulars are processed by PAUW administrators within a day after they appear. After a user creates a statement with basic data (numbers of inhabitants, living areas and so on), all calculations and analyses can be on your desk within an hour.

Less error prone

Less error prone

Analysis of differences is part of the application. This enables employees to look critically at the causes of changes in the benefit and therefore reduces the likelihood of errors.

Compare with other municipalities

Compare with other municipalities

You can compare the burden of your own budget with the clusters of the municipal fund. In addition, you can use the so-called net burden method to compare your budget with other municipalities.

Understanding the recalibration of the municipal fund

PAUW Analytics dashboard

With the upcoming reassessment of the municipal fund, you want to have a quick insight into what this means for your municipality. For that purpose we have developed the PAUW Analytics dashboard. This dashboard is made in Microsoft PowerBI and you can use it immediately. So you'll be able to see what the recalibration means for you.

Request the dashboard here.

Privacy and security are key

All (personal) data is in good hands

All data is safe and stored in one place. You don't have to worry about it anymore. Every officer can access it, provided they are authorized and have access to the Internet. We also have processing agreements with our partners and a privacy policy.

Sounding board groups

Together we decide how to make PAUW even better

In recent years, with the cooperation of our sounding board groups, various improvements in functionality have been added.

Professional helpdesk

Professional helpdesk

Subscribers can contact the help desk for substantive questions about BZK circulars, the municipal fund in general and the use of PAUW. Questions are answered as much as possible within two working days. Within the subscription agreement questions that cost no more than fifteen minutes to answer are answered free of charge. If this is likely to be exceeded, this will be reported in advance.

Expert newsletter

Expert newsletter

With each BZK circular, we send a subject matter newsletter to subscribers that facilitates advising their management and board. View the last five newsletters here.

One-day course on location

One-day course on location

An intensive and very practical training with the character of an interactive workshop discussing the workings of the Municipal Fund and with a PAUW demo at the conclusion. Please contact us for rates.

Full-service and 2nd opinion

Full-service and 2nd opinion

We take the calculation and analysis of the circular completely out of your hands and fit it into your P&C cycle. In addition, we also offer a second opinion regarding the calculation and analysis of the circular.

Seeing is believing. Request a free demo.

In a conversation and demonstration, everything becomes so much clearer.